Summer Intermediate Arts: Emerging Leadership

The secret of life is in Art.

- Oscar Wilde

Course Description

Our Summer Intermediate Arts: Emerging Leadership course at OELC has a unique focus of developing students’ leadership skills through an exploration of the arts. The ideal candidate is not necessarily a student who is a ‘master musician, actor, artist, dancer or writer’ but one who has an interest in the arts and in particular, a student with leadership potential who is willing to learn about themselves, about others and how to apply their skills in their school and/or community. The emphasis of this program will be on the development of leadership skills through the following five disciplines: music, dance, drama, visual arts, and creative writing, with a specific focus on social justice themes. A series of challenging activities have been planned to help each student learn more about him/herself, other students, and their place in the global community. It is expected that each student will identify ways in which the program teachings may be of particular use in their individual schools and lives.

Leadership Development

Leadership Development

  • Through a series of unique activities, students explore different leadership styles and how each complements the success of a team


  • Students work to identify strengths of others and how to cooperatively support each others’ learning journey

Trust and Team Building

    • Students focus on building trust with each other as they complete cooperative activities where they are presented with specific team challenges

The Arts

Arts Majors

  • Students learn how to apply their leadership skills in their chosen art form (music, drama, dance, visual arts or creative writing) by addressing social justice issues

Yours to Discover

  • Students engage in counsellor-led arts-based activities that explore and develop their talents in the arts

The Art and Soul Project

    • Students select a social justice issue of interest and collaboratively create an impactful P.S.A. using multi-media and technology

Other Activities


  • Full Understanding Not Necessary activities, a wide variety of fun activities led by our Leader Counsellors most afternoons and include physical education, swimming, arts, and fun!

The Amazing Race

  • A series of theme based cooperative games led by our Leader Counsellors as a mid-week special event

Evening Activities

    • Through a wide variety of arts-based evening activities, leaders have the opportunity to apply their leadership skills, and to showcase their talents for others